QED Games develops state-of-the-art AI solutions for gamedev and publishes video games, which use those technologies. Our mission is to make the game development process easier by providing accessible AI and automating testing.
Our main focus is on Grail—a multimodular, universal engine for embedding AI in games. Grail allows us to create challenging and realistic AI that imitates human-like behaviors, improves the gaming experience and makes it easier for the development team to implement AI in their game.
Maciej Świechowski
An accomplished scientist and software engineer, specializing in game AI. Co-creator of Grail AI framework. Received a Ph.D. with distinctions in 2015 from the Polish Academy of Sciences. Author or co-author of 30+ publications, mostly related to game AI, machine learning and metaheuristics.
Rafał Tyl
Grail Team Leader
An AI programmer and team leader with over 9 years of experience in the industry. Co-creator of Grail AI framework. Passionate about a very wide range of topics, spanning from science and technology to music, art and philosophy.
Piotr Biczyk
Board Member Sales & Partnerships
A skilled alliance builder, expertly aligns game development needs with market strategies and product innovation. A seasoned project manager. His diverse experience ranging from sales to R&D fuels the successful navigation of the dynamic game development industry landscape.
Piotr "Wooki" Łukaszewicz
AI Programmer
Masters degree in automation and robotics.
Programmer in Fogs of War, Grail and Tactical Troops projects.
AI programmer in Ancestors: Legacy and Fugitive Five.
Besides AI and gamedev experience in automation and robotics.
A lover of gamedev, AI and militaria.
He regularly enjoys playing both video and board games.
Daniel “Dante” Lewiński
AI Programmer
Graduate of Computer Science at the WUT. Since 2017 he’s responsible for R&D related to AI in games (Grail, Fogs of War) and the implementation of AI algorithms in commercial projects (Tactical Troops, Hard West 2 and unannounced project).
Since 2014, member of the KNTG Polygon - association for amateur game developers from Warsaw.
He likes sharing his knowledge by giving speeches on conferences such as GIC, Digital Dragons and 4developers.
Avid gamer and reader.